Monday, 4 September 2017

Ireland, What Great Craic!

Ireland has great craic. Craic in Ireland means fun so if I asked somebody how was the craic, it would mean, 'How is life?' or 'Are you having fun?' I would then reply by saying, "Mighty Craic" or "Great Craic". Ireland also has great bands like the Wolfe Tones named after the leader of one of Ireland's many (failed) rebellions. They began playing as a band during the time of the IRA. A few other Irish bands that I enjoy are the Saw Doctors and Celtic Thunder. Ireland is also the setting for many of the Star Wars movies. Skellig on the Ring of Kerry was the site of Star Wars Episode 7 and 8 while the Dingle will be the setting another Star Wars movie. I met Charlie Chaplin in Waterville and had lots of wonderful food like bacon and eggs from my favourite deli and lots more fish and chips.
Dublin was lots of fun. My favourite part was the Natural History Museum which is also called the 'Dead Zoo'. I found lots of birds for my friend Paul (sorry they're all dead, but don't worry, the cats didn't get them) and a sign that said a zebra was a reindeer.
There were many very nice and welcoming people like the ones we stayed with during our time in Ireland. I made some new friends, Holly and Rauri near Tralee, and Archer, Era, and Tad in Kilcullen. The roads we drove in Ireland (like in Scotland) were very windy but Oliver (our car) and Fiona (our Satnav) got us around okay. I would definitely like to come back to Ireland some day!

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